Wednesday, November 22, 2006

an overnite sensation!

here is a pic of edgar and alberto here at the ywam base hanging out with dts was so much fun for them and really different! They learned how to play spoons and it was good...they were laughing so much!

i couldn't get them to go to sleep until late! Aaaaawww...I love our work! Keep praying for these two......

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

smells like rain...feels like life

I had a chance to go to Arizona a few weeks back. Some friends of mine invited me to hang out in thier home. It was empty and so I could be there all alone, just me and God. It was amazing, actually better than that. As I pulled into Phoenix, Az. There were thunder showers lighting up the sky and I rolled down my window and I smelled the rain. That very distinct smell only found in the desert just after the rain. I came alive, something inside me was so stirred. It was gratitude. I appreciate that I had a moment like that, so I cried. I guess I just remember so much of my life has passed me by that when I am reminded it's not passing me by anymore I feel so lucky. Don't you? There are so many things that I get to experience that make me come alive and I know in the busyness of life I can pass them by, but so often I am breathless at the life I have been given. Even in the midst of all the challenges he has set before me, I am alive to the very core of my being! Wow! I was at a hotel this weekend because I had to speak at a small church near the Mexico border. I asked God, why do I have to pay for this room? I can't afford this. But as I was drawn by him to the front desk the following morning to minister to a woman who told me she was "barely alive", I knew why I was there. You know what? She has the same amount of clean time from meth I have. There is such a huge difference in her outlook and mine. What is it? Jesus. Jesus. It is Jesus. I prayed with her, she looked up at me and tears were streaming down her face. Her name is Jaime, I shared with her, invited her to church, maybe she will go. She said she didn't feel comfortable. Too bad. We have life, when we have Jesus and things like the smell of rain can bring you to tears. I think of my thirst for God like the desert needing the rain...I pray I will always be as the psalmist says "as a deer pants for the water my soul longeth after you" .....thirsty and grateful he will give me a drink.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ok so here is my pic today and it is for no apparent reason...except that it's my birthday (or at least it will be tomorrow) and I like this shot. I think he's smiling or maybe he's laughing at me. He probably was, because I was talking to him and to be honest I thought for a fleeting moment we were connecting. or not.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Edgar's news...and Edgar 2

Edgar #1 - He was sentenced to 30 days in county for a dirty test...he tested positive for cocaine. He had been going "downhill" and I knew it. So now he has some time to think about his life and where he is once again headed.

Here is a pic of Edgar #2..a new release with lot's of promise, in fact the Judge was so impressed offered to seal his record and terminate his probation yesterday. He is really a neat kid...he is working on a display with us for our open house..

Also now we have Micah here for a while..mission building. He is out and remember he has 2 strikes. So he must stay close to God! No new charges or he will get 25 to life. This is a good place for him to start out.......