Saturday, October 21, 2006

not so blue

So I blogged yesterday about Edgar and his broken contact for the past 4 weeks and guess what? He called. So counseling picks up again next week. Pray for him, he is on the edge as he shared with me last night on the phone. :(

Friday, October 20, 2006

one last game

Here is a cute pic of Reid's and some friends. He had a chance to go to one last Dodger game this year (thanks Ricky), they won that night. Too bad they are done for the season.

Ricky (amazing man of God and good friend, we love you ) and Dan ( super cool and new staff on the base) work with DTS on the YWAM Base and Aidan is a GOOD friend of Reid's! FUN TIMES!

Monday, October 02, 2006


This is Edgar in the blue room. I miss going there. There has been no counseling for him in 4 weeks. How do I go from spending so much time pouring out of myself and seeing so much progress and growth to nothing? Faith. I keep it. You never know what's around the corner. So I'll pray and leave it up to God. Besides, it's not up to me anyways. I like my life, but I miss Edgar. So I thought I would share it ... with you. I hope this doesn't sound too sad, it's kind of a happy sad? make sense? I am a sower (of seeds, that is) and I know it :)