I was at Camp on Friday night, oh yeah, I'm back, from holiday(?) Anyway there I was sitting with this guy and we were talking about the reality of God and the Devil. Or at least I was talking and trying to get him to see things my way because I am, of course, right being on the side of truth and all. (don't you just love us evangelical Christians?) Anyways, what came to my mind was "my sheep hear my voice." I'm thinking yes, God would like me to give Soto an opportunity to hear His voice. A lesson. So I asked Soto to ask God if he loved him. After a moment he got silent and agreed. Soon, he broke out with a smile and a sparkle in his eye. (which for a hardened gang member is very cool to see) and said God spoke to him and told him, "Yes, he loved him." So we talked a little about that voice and possibility of another voice and by the end of our session he agreed. God speaks and the Devil is a liar. Yippee. So it's good to be back, how are you?